The University of Virginia has an abiding interest in the ethical conduct of all members of its community. I emphasize the words "ethical" and "community" because in this age of self-centered individualism, we often underestimate the broad impact of our conduct choices on those around us and we generally devalue or even reject our responsibilities to others. That narrowness of vision weakens the fabric of society and when even reflective institutions like The University of Virginia can't support meaningful society, humanity is in trouble.
In support of ethical conduct by the members of our UVa community, I enumerate below several core values that I intend to uphold in this class.
A. Academic and Intellectual Integrity
In a community dedicated to scholarship and learning, there is no substituted for academic and intellectual integrity. Honesty and forthrightness are essential pillars upon which our enterprise rests and, without them, there can be no trust and little community. All participants in this course are therefore expected to conduct themselves honestly and forthrightly at all times. Truth is the coin of our realm and that truth applies not only to words, facts, and ideas, but also to the authorship of those items. Misrepresentation of authorship is a form of intellectual dishonesty known as plagiarism and intolerable.
To support Academic and Intellectual Integrity in this class, I take the following actions:
- I regularly remind students of what constitutes intellectual dishonesty and specifically of what constitutes plagiarism.
- I regularly remind students of the costs, direct and indirect, of academic and intellectual dishonesty.
- I will not accept for credit any coursework that violates this expectation of academic and intellectual integrity.
- I encourage students who find themselves struggling to maintain their integrity to talk with me before it's too late; before they have acted dishonestly.
B. Equality of Respect and Justice
All people deserve equal respect and equal justice. Those equalities are particularly true in this community of scholars. Although students may differ in ways they can change, namely in character and in diligence, and in ways they cannot change, namely in innate abilities and in privilege of background, they are all equally entitled to learn what this class has to offer.
In support of equal respect and equal justice for all students, I take the following actions:
- I make every effort to ensure that students receive equal respect and equal justice in this class.
- I designate this classroom and my office as safe havens for anyone who feels that they are being treated with prejudice or injustice or are being subjected to discriminatory harassment of any form. That designation applies whether the problems stem from this class or from any other aspect of life within or without this University.